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Speaking with Margo Kingston and Peter Clarke are the co-founder of Voices of Mackellar and Mackellar Rising, GP, Dr Sophie Scamps and Mark Kelly, founder of Vote Tony Out, in the adjoining electorate of Warringah which, now federal independent MP, Zali Steggall, won from former Prime Minister and long-time member, Tony Abbott.

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Simon Holmes a Court is sitting on a $1.4 million election war chest, here’s how it will be spent

Climate 200 is an initiative co-founded by Simon Holmes a Court, clean energy advocate and son of corporate raider Robert and philanthropist and businesswoman Janet. It will support progressive independents at the next federal election, building on the success of the likes of Zali Steggall.

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Independents v Liberal Party – Destroying the village to save it?

To borrow Vietnam War terminology, small “l” Liberal supporters switching allegiance to proliferating community independent candidates are posing a fundamental question for the Coalition: Are they destroying the party to save the party?

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Steggall says ‘no alternative’: indies must stand up for sensible centre

Women are at the forefront of the ‘Voices for’ movement in safe Liberal seats because the Liberal Party’s pre-selection process is “absolutely patriarchal in nature” according to the independent MP for Warringah, Zali Steggall.

A closed-door preselection policy designed to maintain the status quo to keep women out, is how Steggall described the process in an interview on the #transitzone podcast.

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Political forces back independent candidates in
climate change power bid

A well-connected network of philanthropists, activists and political operatives plans to support independents gunning for Liberal seats in Sydney and Melbourne in next year’s federal election, hoping to increase climate action by shifting the balance of power in Parliament.

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Senator Andrew Bragg has asked the Australian Electoral Commission to investigate Northern Beaches political action groups.

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Grassroots gloves come off
Voters in Sydney’s Liberal ‘heartland’ more worried about climate than Covid, polling suggests

Voters in three Liberal-held federal seats in metropolitan Sydney remain worried about climate change despite the pressing frustrations and uncertainties associated with the Delta outbreak, according to new electorate-level polling commissioned by an activist group.

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Independents winning even before they run

Sunday afternoon should be busier than usual in the Blues Point Hotel.

The McMahons Point pub will be the site of the first North Sydney Independent social – “a quick, once-a-month get together to say hello, catch up, share news and meet new supporters”.

The NSI is one of a string of grassroots groups firing up with hope of “doing a Zali”, finding a strong independent candidate to replicate Zali Steggall winning the Liberal stronghold of Warringah, unseating Tony Abbott.

Further up Sydney’s North Shore, Voices of Mackellar and Mackellar Rising are stirring with the same ambition.

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