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is by locals for locals

Mackellar Rising

People should be at the heart of politics

Politics is ultimately about people. Our representatives are here to represent the people in their communities in our Parliament. Democracy is often referred to as being "of the people, by the people, for the people". 

It’s about seeing, knowing and honouring each other and our right to be genuinely represented. It's about participating.

That's what democracy looks like. 

Community Representation Matters

 it really does

Only an Independent representative can put the Mackellar community's interest first, each and every time they vote in parliament on our behalf. We deserve an Independent Representative. Someone who will advocate and vote on the issues that matter to the people of Mackellar, in the best interests of our community, free from party or corporate influence. 

Why Now?

Tipping Point


The major parties are now so far out of step with the people and the burning issues of our time that federal politics in Australia is now at a tipping point. 

By Locals for Locals


Electing community-minded independents who are not influenced by donors and lobbyists and can hold the government to account is now the surest way to reclaim our democracy for the people.

People Power


To achieve this we need not only your support but your friends, family and neighbours as well. Each and every one of you makes a difference, increasing the strength of our movement, so we can make the possibility of an Independent Representative for Mackellar a reality.

Anyo Geddes & Dr Sophie Scamps 

Don't just take our word for it

this is what others are saying

Julia Banks, 

former Liberal MP


My vision is that ... moderate, progressive, sensible centrist independents ...will be the only circuit-breaker to the paralysis and political football the major parties have created. Only this will allow real action on matters such as climate change and gender equality, and allow our country to thrive.


03/07/21 Sydney Morning Herald

John Hewson, 

former Leader Liberal Party 

It is not an unreasonable expectation of voters that the people they elect to represent their interests should do so – and should be held accountable accordingly. Politics should be a constant contest of ideas, not about picking a team and backing it, right or wrong.

11/09/21 Saturday Paper

Zali Steggall,

Independent MP Warringah


Hundreds of people stepped up to help my campaign who have never been politically active before. It's quite an extraordinary shift in political engagement.

21/11/20 The Guardian

Meet the Founders

Mackellar Rising was founded in 2021 by local residents, Anyo Geddes and Dr Sophie Scamps in response to demand for better representation on the issues and concerns that really matter in the local community.

Both are working mothers, volunteering their time to encourage a prosperous, inclusive and sustainable future through encouraging community participation in our political system.

Are you ready to Rise for Change?

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